Alumni Spotlight: Katie Crockett

Katie Crockett will begin an exciting new chapter in Norway in early 2025.

As a Secondary Education graduate (2016) of Trinity Baptist College, and Katie was surprised but thrilled when God directed her steps to full-time ministry.

The summer after graduating from college Katie spent three months in Norway with “R1 Ministries”.  Looking back, she considers that summer a crossroads moment that changed the direction of her life. During that trip, Katie’s heart began to sense a call to ministry in a long-term capacity. 

Unsure of her next step, she got involved with youth and college age ministry. Among other responsibilities, she was able to lead mission trips. This opportunity opened the door to get more and more involved with missions in general and Norway missions in specific. Within a few short years she applied to International Mission Board (IMB). Her position at IMB enabled her to be consistently active in missions while continuing to serve in ministry stateside.

Katie’s introduction to missions began at the young age of 12.

It all started with a mission trip to Mexico City as a pre-teen. By the time she applied to IMB in 2019, she had participated in approximately 30 mission trips – over half of which were to Norway.  Most recently, her work there has focused on leading college student groups in evangelistic efforts through partnerships with local Christian organizations, such as Laget (a Norwegian Christian student group).  This organization hosts creative outreach events such as Skeptics Week, which helps engage Norwegian students in meaningful conversations about faith by hosting a panel that is available to answer questions in a public space.

Stepping into her new role with the IMB, Katie will reside in Oslo, Norway’s capital city.

Her work will expand upon her previous efforts, combining campus ministry with broader initiatives. One of her primary responsibilities will be serving as the volunteer team coordinator for Team Norway.  She will also collaborate with local organizations like Ung Baptist (Young Baptist) to help facilitate camps and retreats across Norway.  She is excited to also help facilitate discipleship of young people in the local church.

The majority of Norwegians identify as atheists or agnostics. Even among those affiliated with a church, devout faith is uncommon. Yet, Katie finds hope in the deep hunger for spiritual truth she has observed among the small representation of young Norwegian believers.

Reflecting on her time as a student at Trinity, Katie says she gained training she didn’t realize would become key to her future life in ministry.  

“Even though my degree was in education, I took lots of Bible classes as part of my degree.  I also gained experience through leadership roles which gave me confidence as I stepped into ministry.” 

She was highly engaged in student body leadership and in chapel band, and even spent a year as a Lady Eagle in Volleyball. Additionally, Katie took a significant number of Bible courses as part of her core curriculum. All of this enabled her to build leadership skills and develop a strong understanding of Scripture which proved enabled her to be effective in ministry right after college. 

As Katie prepares for this next chapter, she anticipates seven weeks of training this winter before moving to Oslo in the spring and enrolling in Norwegian language courses. While many Norwegians speak English fluently, it is important to Katie to be able to share the gospel in their heart language.

“It is important to me that the Norwegians know that I’m not trying to come into their country and bring America to them. I want to show that I care about their culture, their people, and their language. I don’t want the fact that I don’t know their language to be a hindrance to that. I think there’s something beautiful about hearing the gospel in your in your native tongue.”

Katie invites you to join her in prayer over her upcoming training, transition to Norway, and language school.

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