Chapel Band and Media Auditions

Calling students interested in chapel band!
As was mentioned last week in chapel, there are several students on the chapel band who are graduating this month. In the Fall, we will be in need of a bass player, electric player, keyboard player, and a tech person for media. These positions need to be filled as soon as possible.
Our team feels a calling to lead others in engaging worship and to live out this worship calling in our daily lives as well. We are looking for talented musicians who are willing to be servant leaders, have strong reputations, and who will work hard to consistently raise the bar in college chapels. If you enjoy using your talents to serve in a fun, student-led, and relational community, then chapel band may be the right fit for you! If this sounds like something that interests you, and you would like to be part of this impactful experience during your college career, we highly encourage you to submit an audition today!
All initial auditions are done virtually, and you can find all the information at the following link:
Scroll down to the section that contains information about Chapel Band Auditions. Please read the instructions carefully!
If you are interested in the media position or have any questions, please contact Mr. Leporacci or Mrs.Copeland directly.
All chapel band positions receive a generous stipend applied toward tuition.
We look forward to seeing your auditions!!
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