Introducing: P.U.S.H. Forward
Each year, TBC’s student body government works together to decide upon a theme for the academic year.
Earlier this summer, TBC’s student body government selected a theme for the 2020-2021 academic year. That may sound like a simple project, but it is more involved and purposeful than simply coming up with a phrase for the year.
Here’s how it works: over the course of the summer, officers submit theme ideas for consideration. After collaborating and deciding on their recommendation, the student body government presents the theme to the college president, administration, and faculty for final approval and input. From that point, we begin the process of incorporating the theme into our campus environment.
Beyond banners, posters, hashtags, and digital images, we communicate the to chapel speakers, use it to provide focus for RA training and student leadership training, and introduce it to incoming students during New Student Orientation. We encourage student leaders to incorporate the idea of the theme in small group discussions, group meetings, and other venues.
Having a theme for the year is one more way that TBC fosters a close-knit community that supports unity and encourages growth.
Beginning in early 2020 the life that we were familiar with came to a screeching halt as the COVID-19 pandemic quickly spread across the globe. College students went home to finish out the spring semester online. High school and college graduations were cancelled. Months of quarantine and social distancing ensued.
While many aspects of the future are still unknown, one thing is certain: at Trinity Baptist College we are ready to P.U.S.H. Forward!
As a student body we are boldly declaring that we will not live in fear but we will push forward with the following actions in mind:
- Persevere– we will continue in our spiritual and academic pursuits in the face of difficulty
- Unite– as a student body we will come together in our common purpose to live out the gospel of Christ
- Sustain– we will be sustained as we move forward knowing that our efforts will reap eternal rewards
- Hope– our hope will not be found in politics, government, human intellect or power, but only through the hope of the resurrection of Jesus Christ
We look forward to this coming academic year, knowing that this season will prepare us for future challenges that life will bring our way. We are ready to P.U.S.H. forward!
Student Body Government operates under the direction of Toni Elkins (Dean of Women). It is made up of students who display maturity and leadership skills. Each member of TBC’s Student Body Government is elected by their peers and includes the offices of president, vice president, chaplain, secretary, and activity directors for both men and women.
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