Spring Break… what to do?

Photo by Ibrahim Asad from Pexels

Spring Break.

These two words mean something different to everyone: road trips, beach days, sleeping in, camping, hiking, or maybe for you it means working extra hours to get ahead.

Photo by Ibrahim Asad from Pexels

Sadly, in general, the term “spring break” tends to hold a negative connotation.  Party-crazy crowds and all that entails seems to take center stage both as a societal norm and even in the news and social media!

However, as a Christian college student, standards of ethical and moral behavior should naturally dictate that the activities of choice during spring break (any break, actually) stand out from the mainstream “spring break beach bash” mentality.  Biblical truth and the responsibility to “shine as lights in the world” should be ever-present in our minds — even on vacation!

Does this mean you must spend the week in prayer and fasting and abstain from any type of fun?  No.  But it does mean that your identity as a Christ-follower must be your point of reference and what determines your decision to engage in any given activity.

So… what are your plans this spring break?  Will you skip town for the week?  Or are you staying local due to your work schedule or other factors?  Leaving town is always nice, but if you’re sticking around, there are quite a few fun experiences to be had right here in Jacksonville and surrounding areas.  Here is a round up of some of our favorites:




For the History Buff:


However you choose to spend spring break, remember that you are called to be salt and light to a world who needs Christ! 




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