Those of us with school-aged children have likely pondered the homeschool question more than once in recent years. But unless you personally know someone who is a veteran homeschool teacher, the information and options can […]
Tag: advice
Introducing TBC’s theme: Thrive
TBC’s theme for the 2021-22 academic year is “Thrive”! Student leaders choose and develop the theme over the summer months. The theme is then woven into their team building and training sessions, but it also […]
3 Things To Learn The Summer Before College
There are so many things to do the summer before you begin college! Assuming you have already been accepted and know where you will attend, your attention may shift from submitting […]
Private Foundation Scholarship Questions
For students enrolling in college, financial aid can come in three forms: Federal, Institutional, and Private (or third-party). For those seeking aid options in addition to federal and institutional awards, researching private scholarships may prove […]
Establishing credit: two baby steps and a warning
Let’s say you feel ready to handle the responsibility of credit and all that entails. How do you get started? Before we even get into that, let’s take a moment to revisit the main take-away […]
Credit: what is it and why should you care?
Educating yourself on the basics of what credit is and how it affects you is key to making wise economic decisions.
You don’t know what you don’t know (Or: Why taking “that class” is a good idea)
It seems inevitable. At some point in your college career you will find yourself taking a course that seems disconnected to your major. You may begin to question the decision-makers who determined that this should […]
What does a budget do? {Or: How to eat churros instead of gas money.}
Budgeting. What emotion do you associate with that word? Boredom? Fear? Stress? It should make you feel secure. In control. Confident, even. There is a misconception floating around that budgets are restrictive. That they zap […]