There are so many things to do the summer before you begin college! Assuming you have already been accepted and know where you will attend, your attention may shift from submitting […]
Tag: life lessons
6 ways to help your brain this winter break
Winter break is upon us! You are probably holding your breath for that glorious moment when you turn in our last exam! Finally, you can sleep in without missing your first class or paying for […]
Credit: what is it and why should you care?
Educating yourself on the basics of what credit is and how it affects you is key to making wise economic decisions.
What does a budget do? {Or: How to eat churros instead of gas money.}
Budgeting. What emotion do you associate with that word? Boredom? Fear? Stress? It should make you feel secure. In control. Confident, even. There is a misconception floating around that budgets are restrictive. That they zap […]
Keyboard shortcuts every college student should know
We humans are funny. No matter how easy something is, we are always looking for a shortcut. This could stem from a genuine desire to be as effective as possible… but then again, it could […]
Off To College: One Thing You Can't Afford To Leave Behind
Naturally, becoming immersed in college will mean you become a bit less involved in life outside of college – especially as a campus resident. There is a delicate balance, however, between full involvement in your college life and maintaining honest communication with family and mentors back home.
The down side of having a plan
Make plans but keep an eraser handy. Truly life-impacting moments are missed when a checklist and an itinerary become the focus.