What are you doing this Christmas break to re-charge? So often we think of re-charging as a chance to sleep, sit on the couch, binge-watch shows and movies, take a walk, go to the beach […]
Tag: tips
Pay for college… with someone else's money!
What if you could pay for college with someone’s else’s money? Would you do it? Here’s the thing – it can be done! Here’s how.
The Student {athlete} Life at TBC
The chance to keep playing their favorite sport while earning a degree is the ultimate goal of many young people. The student athlete life is exciting and fun! There are plenty of opportunities to make […]
Spring Break… what to do?
Spring Break. These two words mean something different to everyone: road trips, beach days, sleeping in, camping, hiking, or maybe for you it means working extra hours to get ahead.
Credit: what is it and why should you care?
Educating yourself on the basics of what credit is and how it affects you is key to making wise economic decisions.
Decoding Financial Aid
As you begin the process of applying to college, you will notice that college and university financial offices tend to have a vocabulary all their own. Don’t panic! It is completely normal and to be […]
What does a budget do? {Or: How to eat churros instead of gas money.}
Budgeting. What emotion do you associate with that word? Boredom? Fear? Stress? It should make you feel secure. In control. Confident, even. There is a misconception floating around that budgets are restrictive. That they zap […]
What's the difference between grants and scholarships?
Are grants and scholarships two different ways to say the same thing? Or are they actually different? This is a question that may be rolling around in your mind as you look ahead to […]