(How to) Rise and Shine!

Getting out of bed in the morning tends to be a challenge for many people.  Yes, there are “morning people” in this world – those rare human beings who naturally enjoy beginning their day before […]

Creating Opportunities for Real-World Experience

Over the past several years, Trinity Baptist College has developed a strong relationship with nearby Crystal Springs Elementary (CSE).  Through the Federal Work Study Program and in collaboration with CSE, Trinity Baptist College was able […]

Dealing With Goodbye

People get weird when it’s time to say goodbye.  Especially when it is a long-term goodbye.  Yes, even adults. Maybe you can identify yourself in one of the following examples: You get hyper and say […]

Off To College: One Thing You Can't Afford To Leave Behind

Naturally, becoming immersed in college will mean you become a bit less involved in life outside of college – especially as a campus resident.  There is a delicate balance, however, between full involvement in your college life and maintaining honest communication with family and mentors back home. 

Connect With Us

  • (904) 596-2451

  • Campus Address

    800 Hammond Blvd.
    Jacksonville, FL 32221

Campus Map

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Trinity Baptist College has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements

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