TBC Chapel

Our Purpose

The purpose of chapel at Trinity Baptist College is to promote spiritual growth and maturity in the lives of our students through biblical teaching as well as Christ-honoring worship and practical leadership training in coordination with the mission statement of the college.

Our Speakers

We are excited about chapel this semester!  In addition to inviting guest preachers to TBC chapel, our speakers often include business owners, authors, and community leaders who have a heart to share their knowledge and insight with young adults.  We hope you will pray for each of these speakers that God would use their influence to encourage and challenge students.


Chapel Music Nomination

We want you - the TBC student body - to participate in chapel planning! Is there a song you would like to be considered for chapel? Please click the button below to complete the form!

Connect With Us

  • (904) 596-2451

  • Campus Address

    800 Hammond Blvd.
    Jacksonville, FL 32221

Campus Map

SARA college

Trinity Baptist College has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements

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