POE Seminar

The Philosophy of Christian Education Seminar may be used for the following purposes:

Seven-Hour / ISP Professional Development Seminar

Philosophy Credentialing Seminar

ACSI Certification

The 7 hr / ISP Professional Development Seminar covers the following topics:

1. Introduction to Philosophy of Christian Education

2. Philosophy’s Impact on Teachers

3. Philosophy’s Impact on Classroom Management

4. Philosophy’s Impact on Classroom Discipline

5. Philosophy’s Impact on Fine Arts and Music

6. Philosophy’s Impact on Special Education

7. Philosophy’s Impact on Administration

8. Philosophy’s Impact on Parents

9. Philosophy’s Impact on Extra-Currricular Programs and Athletics

10. The Significance of a Christian School

11. Philosophy’s Impact on the Curriculum

12. Philosophy of Christian Education: Summary and Conclusions

Cost & Registration

To earn philosophy credential for initial certification or 7 In Service Points (ISP) toward re-certification you will need to register for the online course through the link button below. The cost of the course is $99.

Note: The seminar may only be used one time for 7 ISP's in a certificate renewal cycle.

After you have registered for the course, you will receive an email containing instructions on accessing the course. The email will come from Trinity Baptist College. Please allow 5 days from the date of registration.

Need Help With Your Registration?

If you are having trouble ordering through the website, please contact the Academic Office at (904) 596-2457 or academicoffice@tbc.edu.

ACSI Teacher Certification

If you are taking this course for ACSI teacher certification, you will need to complete the Philosophy of Christian Education Seminar, then download the Syllabus and complete the two lessons included.

Connect With Us

  • (904) 596-2451

  • Campus Address

    800 Hammond Blvd.
    Jacksonville, FL 32221

Campus Map

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